Monarch Digital Campus – Office 365 Online Integration

Monarch Business School is happy to announce the integration of Office 365 Online within the Monarch Digital Campus. This provides all students and faculty access to the MS Office suite along with important communication platforms such as Teams and Sharepoint. In particular, students will enjoy the ability to download 5 copies of MSOffice on to computers of their own along with a 1TB online OneDrive and a 50 GB Outlook account. Monarch believes that Office 365 online will further help develop the digital provisioning of our courses and programs maintaining a high level of quality for the future. We look forward to further integration of the teaching faculty and students within the digital campus of Monarch.

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KIVA Report For Q2 – 2020

Welcome to this report on the 2nd Quarter of 2020 showing Monarch?s continued commitment alongside in providing micro loans to individuals and community groups in developing countries for investment in education, agriculture, women in business, shelter and more. Download The Q2-2020 Monarch Kiva Report Here Every month, a round of donations is made with

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Article: Logoleadership And Meaning In Organizations

The current globalized milieu compels post-modern individuals to search for meaning in their work. Organizations have the opportunity to fulfill the lacunae generated by the deficiency of spiritual and religious communities and to subsequently aid workers in finding meaning while profiting financially from their engagement within the organization. Logoleadership refers to the union of leadership practices with the logotherapeutic techniques established by Dr. Viktor Frankl.

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Monarch Restates Its Opposition To Standardized Admission Testing

Recently with the advent of Covid-19 and additional stresses placed on many traditional institutions the role of standardized admission testing has come under increased scrutiny. A recent publication entitled “For the first time, major counseling group says it’s time to reconsider standardized testing in college admissions” reiterates the opinion of many that standardized admission testing is not reflective of the abilities of candidates to be a success within a university program. Since its inception this has been the view and understanding of Monarch Business School.

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Research: Innovation Growth Strategy: A Study of Competitive Advantage of SME’s In The United Kingdom

Business Strategy plays a major role in most companies, particularly in developed and mature countries. Studies show that a formal strategy can contribute to organizational effectiveness and competitive advantage. In the last few years, the United Kingdom has faced a protracted and slow growth, political uncertainty and inefficiencies due to poor management. As a result, similar mature markets have seen productivity and efficiency surpass that of the UK. Between 2017 and 2019, the UK economy lost 185 billion GBP per year due to poor management and resulting ill health. The UK also fell 14% behind similar countries in the G7 on productivity (Francke, 2017). The economic environment does not favour businesses with little or no strategic direction.

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Student Focus: Mr. John Momoh PhD Candidate

Mr. John Momoh is a Professional PhD Candidate. He holds a Master of International Law and an Honours Bachelor in Mass Communication from the University of Lagos. He also holds a Diploma in Broadcast Journalism from the Thomson Foundation Center for Journalism Studies in Cardiff, Wales. He has completed the Owner/President Management program at Harvard University and the Chief Executive program at the Lagos Business School. Professionally, he holds the position of Chairman and CEO of Channels Media Group in Nigeria. Previous to that, he was a News Anchor and Senior Reporter at the Nigerian Television Authority as well as a News Reader at the Voice of Nigeria.

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Student Focus: Dr. Miray Barsoum PhD Candidate

Dr. Miray Barsoum is a PhD program Candidate. She holds a Master of Science in Strategic Marketing from the London School of Business & Finance as well as an MBA from the Maastricht School of Management. She is a certified Marketing Analyst from UC Berkeley, USA and holds a Certificate in Marketing Strategy from Cornell University, USA. She also holds a Masters of Pediatric Medicine as well as a Bachelor degree in Medicine and Surgery from the School of Medicine at Cairo University. At present, she holds the position of Marketing & Communications Director at Nile University. She is also the Founder and Instructor at Marketista where she designs and conducts focused crash-courses in Strategic Marketing & Communications to help non-marketers in customer understanding, competitive analysis and value proposition identification. Previous to this, she was the Marketing Manager at AMAN for E-Payments-Raya Holding. She has also been Marketing Manager at Raya Social Media. She has also been a business case writer for El-Khazindar Business Research and Case Center (KCC) at the American University in Cairo.

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