Dr. Dirk Jonker Graduates The PhD Program In Entrepreneurship

Monarch Business School is happy to announce that Dr. Dirk Jonker has graduated the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program “Summa Cum Laude”. He completed the requirements with the submission of his dissertation entitled: “Teentrepreneurship: An Entrepreneurship Framework For Teenagers in South-Africa.”


The research adopts a novel approach to the topic of youth entrepreneurship by focusing on teenagers and the entrepreneurial transition process, aiming to bridge the gap between unemployment and socio-economic advancement. Through the academic domains of economic development, educational advancement, and social justice, the proposed Teentrepreneurship framework postulates pertinent theoretical entrepreneurship constructs and theory of praxis aspects to advance the entrepreneurial propensity of teenagers.

The research enhances entrepreneurship terminology by introducing envigorateurs, patholoteurs, and terminateurs as drivers of Teentrepreneurship progression, regression, and termination. These distinct agents underpin the social fabric of teenagers and form the basis for the proposed theoretical construct of constellationism. This weighted qualitative instrument allows for the integration of relevant risk/hurt and shielding/caring elements, thereby facilitating their visual representation through a graphic design, introduced as constellation diagrams in the research. In addition, a C-value is formulated for this concept as a component of a qualitatively coded entrepreneurship propensity indicator (EPI) value that posits a qualitative anticipated entrepreneurial outcome (AEO) notation.

The Teentrepreneurship framework advances the praxis theory of youth entrepreneurship by introducing concepts such as the critical success circle and the stage-and-level assessment matrix. Moreover, the research delineates the Teentrepreneurship process and SME creation flowcharts both independently and in relation to the Teentrepreneurship stages. Other novel concepts emerging from the research include the proposed animal-coded psychometric quadrant, the ULTIMATE entrepreneur diagram, the blended entrepreneurial economic development sequence (BEEDS) concept, and the entrepreneurship combustion analogy.

Finally, the research contributes to the development of new social architecture by proposing the integration of secondary schools as incubators of entrepreneurship within concepts such as the public-private social partnership (PPSP) and the public- private social marketplace (PPSM). The paradigm of inverse pathology pioneers the conception of heuristic healing through entrepreneurship, both as a psychosocial therapy and a socio-economic advancement mechanism.

About Dr. Dirk Jonker

Dr. Dirk Jonker is a graduate of the Doctor of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship Program at Monarch. He also holds a B.Sc. and MBA from Stellenbosch University in South Africa. Dr. Jonker stewards a fourth-generation family estate that exports premium wine to Switzerland. However, pursuing the MBA program ignited an entrepreneurial mindset that subsequently inspired him to diversify his family trust by exploring opportunities in mining and material-handling technologies, value optimization, and process innovation. Other than being an entrepreneur, Dr. Jonker is also passionate about experiential entrepreneurship education as a psycho-socio-economic empowerment tool to combat youth unemployment, providing the motivation for his research. He represents the Swiss eduGLOBE in Southern Africa, is the founder of SwissMaths online and serves on the board of AdMaths South Africa and the governance committee of Genesis South Africa.