BBA Program Full Scholarships Availability Ending Soon
Registration For The September 2022 Cohort Closing Soon
The registration for the Bachelor in Business Administration September 2022 cohort is closing soon and all interested students are encouraged to apply to the program in the next days to ensure that they are able to be welcomed in the program.
100% Full Scholarships Available
The Monarch Alumni Association makes available full scholarships to the BBA program based on a combination of need and merit. Applicants receiving the full scholarship will be able to attend the online program tuition free. Interested applicants should submit the standard application form and indicate that they wish to apply for the full scholarship. This will open up several additional questions to be completed by the applicant. The responses to these questions will assist the Scholarship Committee in making their decision. The aim of the scholarship program is to balance gender, geography and opportunity within the cohort of the Bachelor program so that a well-rounded, and diverse student community is developed.
Normal Paid Tuition Option
For Applicants wishing to apply as a paid student the process is simple. Simply fill-in the online application form including your high school certificate/transcript and a copy of a government identification, such as a national identity card, and you are set to go. You may view the tuition fees for the program below.
About The BBA Program
The program is designed around the completion of a series of courses per semester that provide the student with the foundational knowledge within management studies and prepares them for a career within a business setting. The program contains 7 semesters for a total duration of 3.5 years. Courses are 10 weeks in duration. The final Capstone course is 12 weeks in duration. There are two intakes per year: September and January. Below you may find the course schedule and descriptions for the September 2022 Cohort. The program is delivered over 2 semesters per year. The Fall semester is 3 months in duration from September15th through December 15th. The Spring semester is 5 months in duration from January 15th through June 15th.
Fall Semester
Winter Semester
Year 1 | Fundamentals of Business | Organizational Behavior | Business Communication | Personal Finance | Digital Marketing |
Year 2 | Information Systems | Accounting Principles | Introduction to Economics | Business Law | Project Management |
Year 3 | Entrepreneurship | International Business | Sustainability | Leading With Culture | Strategic Management |
Year 4 | Capstone Project – Part 1 | Capstone Project – Part 2 |
The program is open to students 18 years and above who holds a high school diploma from a nationally recognized institution in their country.
Each course consists of a mid-term and final exam. Mid-term exams are worth 40% of the final grade while final exams are worth 60% of the final grade. Each week’s learning unit contains a practice quiz to help prepare the student to sit the mid-term and final exams. Students may practice the weekly unit quizzes as many times as possible to perfect their understanding of the material before sitting the exams. The exams may be completed at home from your own computer.
The program is delivered via the Monarch Undergraduate Digital Campus (MUDC). This enables completion of the program 24 x 7 from anywhere. Asynchronous completion means you are not required to be on the platform at any specific time. Students must adhere to the weekly schedule for each course in order to remain timely in the program.
The program functions with cohort intakes. There are 2 cohorts per year. Students may apply to the September or January cohort.
The program duration is 7 semesters. Tuition Fee may be paid at the beginning of each semester. Fees must arrive at the school before the start of the semester. Tuition may be paid by wire transfer of by credit card. The last year study is only half a year (1 semester instead of the standard 2 semesters). Tuition is in Euros.
Years | Semesters | Per Semester | Per Year | Total | |
BBA in Global Management | 3.5 | 7 | 1,000 | 2,000 | 7,000 |
The Monarch Alumni Association makes available full scholarships to the program for individual students based both on merit. Interested applicants are encouraged to submit their application where they may indicate their desire to obtain the full scholarship. Full scholarships are limited in number. The scholarship application period runs until June 30th , 2022. Scholarship application after this date is closed until the following cohort application period.
The Bachelor Program is accredited in Europe by the EQAC – The Accreditation Quality Education Commission.
Monarch is also an institutional member of:
Graduates of the Monarch BBA program are eligible to enter directly into the Monarch MBA program after graduation.

I was looking for a program that had a good mix of different courses but also with a consideration for sustainability and social responsibility. Monarch has a reputation as being focused on social responsibility. This aspect makes me proud to be a student at Monarch.
Javiar Santiago, USA

Studying online at a Swiss business school is a great option. I live outside the city and getting to a university campus is difficult. Monarch enables me to study and remain with my family. This is an important consideration for me.
Grace Nugen, Australia

Knowing that Monarch has both Master and Doctoral programs gave me a sense of assurance that the online Bachelor program is of a high quality. The study method gives me a great sense of independence. My family is happy to see me at Monarch.
Delima Merican, Malaysia

The great part of being at Monarch is that I can study and complete the exams on my schedule. This helps me to stay focused on my job and be able to practice my hobby. I checked many programs and none had the flexibility of Monarch along with a group cohort. I am happy to be registered for September.
Ralf Sondag, Switzerland