Doctoral Candidate Samrat Sisodia Published In The IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy

It is a pleasure for the University to announce that doctoral candidate Mr. Samrat Sisodia has been published in the IOSR Journal of Pharmacy. His article entitled, “A Review of New Drug Innovation – Emerging Challenges And Mitigation Strategies” appears in the Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014 version of the journal. The article is a direct outgrowth of his ongoing dissertation research. We congratulate Mr. Sisodia on being published and we look forward to more positive news relating to his research. You may read an abstract of the article below:

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The present paper reviews trends in the development and approval of new drugs. The pharmaceutical industry continues to face the problem of high costs of new drug development, FDA?s regulatory regime, and competition from generic drugs. At the same time, consumers? expectations regarding drug efficacy and safety have continued to increase. This explains why it has become increasingly harder for drug firms to invent new molecules during the last three decades. A few of the resolutions to these problems include strategic drug development data generation, lifecycle planning for a new molecular entity and mergers and acquisitions involving biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. Moreover, cooperation amongst FDA?s review division and industry is not at desired level to seek development of new safety and efficacy models for enhance productivity in the industry.