Monarch Student Paper At SEEDSC

The administration is proud to announce that Dionysios Solomos, D.Phil. in Economics Candidate under the supervision of Dr. Koumparoulis and Dr. Kamsaris has been selected by the SEECSC Program Committee to present his paper at the 2012 conference in September in Thessaloniki, Greece. The paper is entitled, ?Discretionary Fiscal Policy in the EMU Context: An empirical approach (1981-2010) & the Recent Reform of European Governance?.

The SEEDSC-South East European Doctoral Student Conference is put on by the SEERC-South East European Research Center. The SEERC is an overseas research centre of the University of Sheffield, established as a non-profit legal entity in Thessaloniki, Greece. The centre was founded by City College, the University’s International Faculty, in 2003. It is conducting multidisciplinary research in the fields of Enterprise, Innovation & Development, Information & Communication Technologies, and Society & Human Development. The mission of the SEERC is to support the stable and peaceful development of South-East Europe by conducting pure and applied research in and for the region.

It is through the combined efforts of candidates and supervisors working closely together that the research being performed at Monarch can be demonstrated to the larger academic community by way of Doctoral conferences and academic symposiums. Congratulations to Dionysios Solomo, Dr. Koumparoulis and Dr. Kamsaris on a job well-done.