
Research: Innovation Growth Strategy: A Study of Competitive Advantage of SME’s In The United Kingdom

Business Strategy plays a major role in most companies, particularly in developed and mature countries. Studies show that a formal strategy can contribute to organizational effectiveness and competitive advantage (Porter, 1980, Stringham, 2012, White, 2004 and Whittington, 2010). In the last few years, the United Kingdom has faced a protracted and slow growth, political uncertainty and inefficiencies due to poor management. As a result, similar mature markets have seen productivity and efficiency surpass that of the UK. Between 2017 and 2019, the UK economy lost 185 billion GBP per year due to poor management and resulting ill health (Francke, 2017). The UK also fell 14% behind similar countries in the G7 on productivity (Francke, 2017). The economic environment does not favour businesses with little or no strategic direction with only 50% of companies surviving their first 5 years and 66% failing in the first 10 years (Hawksworth, 2019 and Francke, 2017). Small and medium enterprises (SME) account for 99.3% of all private sector businesses, employ 16.3 million people which accounts for 60% of the private sector employment. Total revenue produced is in excess of 2 trillion GBP, which is 52% of all private sector turnover and according to Francke (2017) SME?s receive fewer tax breaks, investment and support from UK government.

The contemplated research examines the above through an analysis of seminal literature from Strategic Management Theory, Organizational Culture Theory, Learning and Development Theory and Leadership Theory. An attempt to construct a new conceptual model or framework that better integrates theory with praxis is the ultimate goal of the research. In particular the research will examine the impact of strategy formulation, implementation and experiential learning for competitive advantage within UK companies, through a triangulation research approach including literary review, content analysis of company and government data combined with interviewing of selected individuals from private sector companies.

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About The Researcher

Mr. Alex Ellinis is a Doctor of Business Administration Candidate. He holds a Master of Science in Strategic Management. He is a fellow of the Institute of Sales and Marketing Management and a fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management Mr. Ellinis is VP of Sales & Operations ?Americas & Europe at Kuoni Global Travel Services.

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