The current globalized milieu compels post-modern individuals to search for meaning in their work. Organizations have the opportunity to fulfill the lacunae generated by the deficiency of spiritual and religious communities and to subsequently aid workers in finding meaning while profiting financially from their engagement within the organization. Logoleadership refers to the union of leadership practices with the logotherapeutic techniques established by Dr. Viktor Frankl.
The paper evaluates and critiques May?eld and May?eld?s (2012) conceptual model of logoleader. Moreover, it contributes to the literature by proposing two models, namely the Multi-Level and the Mixed Method of logoleadership, addressing issues related to CEOs being the sole logoleaders. Finally, the main actions required in the implementation of the Multi-level Model Of Logoleadership, namely: providing a model of behavior, managing change, framing, triggering and avoiding manipulation and hyperintention are discussed.
The aim of the paper is to address logoleadeship research and to establish a preferred logoleadership model. A subsequent objective is to inform upon implementation recommendations for organization intending to implement logoleadership in praxis. Hence, the findings of the present research may advance logoleadership literature and also prove to be of great expediency for CEOs, middle-management and organizations in general.
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About The Researcher
Prof. Karina Ochis is a Professor of Management studies within the BBA program at Monarch Business School Switzerland. She is a Dual PhD / Doctor of Applied Leadership Candidate. She holds a Master of Arts in Political Marketing from the Rome Business School and a Bachelor of Arts in Politics from The University of London. She also holds a Certificate in Digital Strategy from the Online Marketing Institute in San Francisco. Ms Ochis is an author, CEO and coach. She has spoken at TEDx, Million Marketing Tour (London ? Charlotte ? Copenhagen ? Kiev), Women Speakers Summit Nigeria, Business Days, Elite Business Woman, The Woman, Romanian Academy of Economic Studies and several others. At present, she is CEO of Ana Karina Luxury Concept and of KO by Karina Ochis in Romania.