9th World Conference for Graduate Research in Tourism, Hospitality & Leisure

9th World Conference for Graduate Research in Tourism, Hospitality & Leisure

Cartagena, Spain, 6-11 June 2017

Deadline for extended abstracts (no more than 2,000 words) ? 31 March 2017


The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for research collaboration and mentoring of emerging tourism researchers in order to share their research experience. The organising committee invites scholars from tourism studies and the wider social sciences to join. Papers can be submitted for two categories: thesis/dissertations and research papers.

All accepted extended abstracts (max 2000 words) are included in the proceedings that will be distributed in both printed and electronic forms upon your arrival at the registration desk. The proceedings will have an ISSN number. All papers will go through the blind review process to nominate the best paper award that will be dedicated to Professor John Crompton, Texas A&M University, USA.

In a further stage, a selected list of papers (max 5000 words) will be considered for publication as a chapter in a book form due by international publishers. To date, we have published 9 edited books by CABI, Routledge, Emerald, Springer, and Cambridge Scholars.

The list of our guest speakers is diverse in their affiliations, countries, gender, and fields of expertise:

  • John Crompton, Texas A&M University, USA
  • Adele Ladkin, Bournemouth University, UK
  • SooCheong (Shawn) Jang, Purdue University, USA
  • Antonia Correia, University of Algarve & Universidade Europeia, Portugal
  • Karl W?ber, Modul University, Austria

John Crompton Recognition Award

This year?s award is dedicated to Professor John Crompton of Texas A&M University, USA, in recognition of his lifelong contribution to the institutionalisation of tourism research and education, both nationally and internationally, from the perspective of economics and marketing.

Pre-conference seminar

  • Antonia Correia ? University of Algarve & Universidade Europeia, Portugal
  • SooCheong (Shawn) Jang ? Purdue University, USA
  • Maheshvari Naidu ? University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

To explore more about its forthcoming and previous series (invited speakers, documents and photos etc) please click on http://anatoliajournal.com/gradconference