Monarch is happy to announce that the recent Doctoral workshop and defense period held October 15th to 18th at the Rapperswil Castle on Lake Zurich was a great success. Over 30 doctoral participants were present along with a large group of Professors. During the the week long event doctoral candidates presented their research and had the opportunity to be critiqued by faculty and their fellow candidates. The process enabled many of the candidates to move forward rapidly in their research design. Great fun was had by all and lots of learning took place.
Tuesday night saw the candidates and faculty come together for the formal dinner in the castle. During the week 10 doctoral defenses were held. The candidates successfully defended their dissertations in front of their peers and graduation took place on the Thursday afternoon within the courtyard of the castle. It was a very busy week and a great time was had by everyone. We look forward to the next workshop to be announced shortly !!!!
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