ACBSP Leadership Award Announced

It is with great pleasure that UGSM-Monarch Business School Switzerland announces the awarding of the 2011 ACBSP Student Leadership Award being presented to Donald Oxford York. Donald York is the current President of the UGSM-Monarch Student Council and recipient of this year’s award. Donald York was nominated for this award for his effort in forming the student council at Monarch and for providing continuous leadership to his fellow students both within the council activities as well as with their own research activities.

On receiving the award Donald York was quoted as saying:

“I am fortunate to be a student at Monarch where my talents can be given the opportunity to flourish and I can make a difference within the student body and with my fellow students on an individual basis with respect to their own research and personal growth. Monarch has been a great experience and has helped me to prepare for the demands of a career in academic research and teaching. I hope to make an even greater impact in the future and put all my new skills to the test in a new role after my scheduled defense and graduation this December.”

Donald York is a B.A. graduate in Psychology from McGill University in Montreal, Canada and a M.Phil. in Business Research graduate from UGSM-Monarch. He is presently completing the D.Phil. Business Research / Ph.D. in Management dual degree with a focus on leadership studies. He is looking forward to continuing his academic studies after UGSM-Monarch with a second Ph.D. in Counseling from St. Paul’s at the University of Ottawa. Mr. York remains an inspiration and example to all students at Monarch and we look forward to hearing of even greater heights for his career after his scheduled graduation from Monarch.

ACBSP is a leading specialized accreditation association for business education supporting, celebrating, and rewarding teaching excellence on a diverse and global scale. The association embraces the virtues of teaching and research. UGSM-Monarch Business School is a recognized member of ACBSP. You may view their website at